While researching the topics of MBAs, I've seen many advertisements for online MBAs. There certainly would be some advantages to an online degree, such as convenience and the ability to continue to work while obtaining the degree. It would also seem that with convenience comes flexibility, which would mean that you should still have time for a personal life if you managing your schedule efficiently. So, the big question then is whether or not employers consider online degrees credible?
Fortune Magazine reported in their April 7, 2007 issue that 81% of hiring managers look more favorably on job candidates who obtained their MBAs online than five years ago and 41% now think an online degree is as good as a real degree.
So, it would seem in some situations the answer would be yes, however, it depends on the situation and the online university in which the degree is obtained.
The following website gives some valuable insight to online degrees:gradview.com/articles/graduatestudies/online_degrees
As the website above indicates, there are many advantages to an online degree, however, there is one big disadvantage which is that you lose that face to face interaction that is so important to networking. Although you may meet some other students online, it is likely that you won't create as strong of bonds with your classmates as you would have had you spend numerous hours in class, studying, and interacting with them at social functions. This is yet another decision that you will need to analyze when deciding if an MBA is right for you.
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