There are advantages to pursuing an MBA. The obvious advantage is that an MBA typically opens one up to better career opportunities over the course of his or her career, which leads to higher salary earnings. The Graduate Management Admission Council reports that the typical MBA graduate in the class of 2004 earned a 35 percent increase in their salary from when they began their program.
The average salary in 2003 for a high school graduate was $27,915, for a bachelor's degree $51,206, and for an advanced degree $74,602 (US Census Bureau, 2005).
Students of MBA programs gain enhanced strategic thinking and managerial effectiveness. MBA graduates spend a great deal of time analyzing case studies and developing their analytical skills and are better prepared to handle decision making and leadership responsibilities.
Another key benefit of an MBA program is the opportunity to develop a business and personal network. Participants of MBA programs usually form lifelong relationships with their MBA cohorts. It is not uncommon for for an MBA student to be hired or get a lead from one of their former classmates.
Several former MBA students reported that the most important thing they got out of their MBA program was confidence. They believed that if they could get through an MBA program, they could do anything. The program gave them the confidence to state their opinions and points of views and be taken seriously by CEOs and executive vice presidents.
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